Independent inspector, what to look for.

There are many competent inspectors out there and a few very good ones. Also because inspection industry is not regulated there are many cowboys and wannabees that are there just for the money grab. This is why on this forum I try to set out things you need to look for:
Qualification in building (university degree or diploma)
Long and extensive experience in building
PI insurance( insurer won’t cover someone if they are not convinced of at least credible qualifications. )
Equipment they invested in to give you best inspection
Longevity in business
Track record
Also remember that reputation is not the same as public image. Public image is something prospective customer is wanted to believe(blindfold on your head)
“Australia’s most professional builder” is pure bull of course but how many people were misled?
Reputation is something your peers or customers think of you

So have a critical look at all web sites and look for credibility, how many have set out their claim to experise or is it just marketing bull? How many are offering pre inspection agreement, where they set out what is inspected and what isn’t. Do they say they inspect to AS 4349.0, 4349.1 or 4349.3 , their insurer requires them to.

So as a customer you have to do due dilligence in picking your inspector, if you don’t you may pick up a dud one.
And expect to pay a fair price.

Inspection is a risky business for inspector, if something of significance is missed there goes 5K excess to insurer, so don’t complain about the price.

If you are looking for a cheap or discounted inspection don’t complain you are sailing on a cheap boat, better pray it doesn’t get rough.

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