What’s the difference between property inspection report and Building Expert’s report?- piece of mind

This week I inspected a home for a lady who bought it just three months ago. She called and wanted a second opinion on some issues that troubled her.

She did get a pre purchase report before buying and the report on the face of it was competent enough but lacked the depth of advice and that left her uncomfortable.

After inspection I walked her through the issues explaining about sub floor ventilation, termite risk, surface drainage, dampness under floor, subsided stump, pergola without permit and the rot to some floor bearers.

I explained in the manner she could understand, the condition of the property, what was happening and why, what she needed to do to improve maintenance and how to be vigilant.

That left her comfortable with a piece of mind she did not get from the property report.


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One Response to What’s the difference between property inspection report and Building Expert’s report?- piece of mind

  1. Small bits of content which are explained in details, helps me understand the topic, thank you!

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