Building stage inspections vs pre final inspection only, comparison

Some people will not pay for building stage inspections because they think they will save money and if they are lucky they will be right. However it is a risky strategy and more often than not job that is not monitored at critical stages will have greater incidence and severity of defects.

Today I carried out two pre final inspections in different suburbs by different builders for two clients one of which had me before for stage inspections.

Keeping in mind that at pre final inspection I cannot see what has already been covered up, the following were the differences: The first two photos was the house with prior stage inspections:


The following three photos were from a home that did not have prior stage inspections:



As you can see, the incidence and severity of wall defects in a home with no prior stage inspection was greater.

Few hundred dollars for each stage inspection could make difference between your biggest investment being a good job or a mediocre one.

When you come to sell your home what will pre purchase inspector tell prospective purchaser about the quality of your home? What will happen to your asking price?

It’s your investment , it’s your call!






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