Pre purchase inspection, fraudulent cover up exposed!

If you are buying a home would you like to know if it had serious termite “HIT” and serous structural damage? Of course you would!

Would you expect vendor and the vendor’s agent to disclose it? Don’t hold your breath!

The house I inspected this week had serious termite damage and it was (nearly) all skilfully covered up by the vendor. What did the agent say to the purchaser?

Err. Its an old house I don’t really know about it’s history.

The purchaser (unknown to me) asked around and found out from neighbours that the house did have termites and was treated.

Of course I had no idea when I started the inspection but quickly noticed 3 mature peppercorn trees and a large gum tree nearby (termites love peppercorn trees) and the fact that the house was in extremely high risk environment. There was no termite treatment notice in the meter box (vendor does not want you to know) and the sub floor access door was screwed shut so it could not be opened.(guess why?)

Inside the house it did not take me long to find unmistakeable signs of termite damage (wavy timber trim surface over ceiling beam). Donger test produced hollowed sound in several locations, indicating that skirting has been eaten by termites (even though much of the damaged skirting had been replaced and painted so it could not be picked out.


But the real cream on the cake were two walls that when pushed indicated studs were completely eaten and the wall was held together by plaster sheets alone. Add to that couple of bouncy floor areas in lounge indicating floor weakness and there you have it.

Even though my client expected some termite damage would be found he was stunned by the extent and the severity of the damage and the audacity of the attempted fraud.

Of course if my client did not get a pre purchase inspection, he would have found his lemon when it is too late.

Ah yes! For good measure I also located bee nest in the wall!


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