Shower leaks, forensic testing with thermal imaging.

Why are showers leaking and who is at fault? The correct answer to that question could help innocent contractor from taking the blame.In the case below, a waterproofing contractor was blamed for defective shower membrane and the consequential damage to building elements.

Two units were inspected, in the first it was alleged that water escaping from shower damaged joinery. In my view, testing disproved the allegation:



In the second unit defective membrane was blamed for water leak damage, testing disproved the allegation:


There you have it, it’s easy to make allegations and it’s not always easy to disprove them. However if you have the expertise and the right equipment it can make all the difference.

If you have roof leaks, wet area leaks and dampness in walls or floors, forensic testing with thermal imaging can assist with diagnosis of the causes of the problem.












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