What is a building contract? do you know what you are getting into?

It always amazes me that many people, even if they are well educated, will sign off on a building contract without understanding and thinking less than buying shoes.

Then in a fit of blindness of common sense they will just literally throw bags of money at the builder in the native hope that they will get “the quality they have paid for”

Often they will just get a “donkey ride” and will become bitterly disappointed, their building dream ruined, their money wasted and every day waking up to a second rate job.

Building contract is a specification of an agreement based on two promises

Promise to build for a promise to pay

The specification details works to be done, where , when, construction time, the price and terms of payment among many other details contained in drawings, inclusions, project specification etc.

The specification (contract) are the rules of the game you are about to play. Are they fair? Are you about to play a game in which you don’t understand the rules?

You will almost certainly be outplayed and who will be the looser?  You need a coach. Building Expert is your coach. Playing the game without a coach is at your own risk.

In most cases, the promise to pay is not a problem. People expect and are willing to pay for work well done. Rarely have I come across the situation otherwise.

The problem is with the promise “to build”

The specification of the promise is extensive and a lot is expected from the builder. In vast majority of the problem cases it will be breach of promise by the builder.

This is where your problems will come from, are you ready?

Get professional help before you sign building contract. Get coached.

A pre contract consultation will give you understanding and comfort for your journey. It will save you money and may stop you from blunders.



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